FW4SPL on the roads

FW4SPL team is on tour !!

We will show our latest work with the framework on JDEV and RMLL.

JDev (30 june - 3 july, Bordeaux - France)

JDEV (Journée nationales du DEVeloppement logiciel) 2015 will take place at Bordeaux INP - ENSEIRB-MATMECA.

We will present a poster with our latest work with FW4SPL, and we will discuss on several topics like :

RMLL (4 july - 10 july, Beauvais - France)

The Libre Software Meeting (in French: Rencontres Mondiales du Logiciel Libre, or RMLL) are a series of friendly and non-commercial lectures, workshops, and round tables on Libre Software and its uses. These meetings take place yearly in July —each year guested by a new city— and have already hosted hundreds of lectures and seen thousands of participants (individuals or non-profit organizations).

We will do a 40min speech on FW4SPL and on it’s latest news.

See you there !